Lately With Lila | June 2019

Hey, friends! I hope you’re all doing well! May was a fairly chill month irl, but, man, I did quite a bit of blogging and some good reading too! Life bestowed upon me some kick*ss books and what else was I to do but build a TBR with said books and then absolutely demolish it? Nothing else, friends, nothing else. So let’s get in to how that went and also catch up on some of my favorites of June…



As you can see, there’s a new look to the blog, but other than that, no big news!




Level 5 // Hermione Granger // Empowering // Kingsbane by Claire Legrand // ★★★★★

As expected, I loved Kingsbane! And let me tell you, friends, this book was a wild ride! I loved watching Eliana and Rielle grow and change. The expansion of the world and the plot was also fascinating to read about. I can’t wait to get my hands on book three when it’s released (and hopefully the anticipation won’t kill me first)!

Level 5 // Dobby Is Free! // Free Choice // Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson // ★★★★☆

Listen, y’all, I was not a fan of Rogerson’s debut novel, An Enchantment of Ravens, so I was all prepared to hate this one. But, I’m shocked and quite pleased to say that I fell in love with Sorcery of Thorns! A lot of the issues I had with Rogerson’s debut weren’t present in this book and I was so pleased to see her growth as a writer. The characters were also adorable and the plot was intriguing. I’m happy to say that I really enjoyed Sorcery of Thorns!

Level 5 // New Term // 1st in a Series/Trilogy // Wicked Fox by Kat Cho // ★★★★☆

This was such a heartwarming, yet also intense read? But I can say it walked that line pretty well and I actually enjoyed it, like, a lot. I loved the characters and the story of Wicked Fox, but one of my favorite elements of the story was how unabashedly Korean it was! I felt like I learned so much about Korean culture and all while having a fun time! All in all, Wicked Fox was such a fun ride!




Level 6 // Newt Scamander // Author With Your Initial // Spin The Dawn by Elizabeth Lim

Elizabeth Lim’s last initial is my first initial, so I’m running with it! Spin The Dawn id pitched as Mulan meets Project Runway and I am…intrigued? Let’s go with that. I’m intrigued. I’m interested in seeing how that plays out.

Level 6 // Extendable Ears // Audiobook // The Beckoning Shadow by Katharyn Blair

I pretty much almost exclusively listen to audiobooks, so this challenge wasn’t exactly, er, a challenge. I preordered the audiobook of The Beckoning Shadow, though, so I figured I’d use it for this prompt. I’m super excited to get to this one as the premise looks fascinating!

Level 6 // House // Based on Your House // Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson

What’s more Ravenclaw than a mystery book set at a school for the gifted? Not much, if you ask me! Plus Truly Devious has a blue cover, which totally seals the deal!

The Storm Crow by Kalyn Josephson

I’m admittedly apprehensive about reading this book as I’ve heard it focuses heavily on depression. So, with that being said, I may not get to this book. The premise sounds interesting, but we’ll see.

movies tv

T H E   H O T   Z O N E

( N A T I O N A L   G E O G R A P H I C)

Here’s a fun fact about me: The Hot Zone is actually an adaptation of a nonfiction book of the same name and that book is actually my favorite nonfiction book. Now, granted, I did read The Hot Zone about nine years ago back when I was a freshman in high school, but, nevertheless, I was riveted by the story when I read it. So, naturally, I was interested to see how the adaptation would go.

S P I D E R – M A N :   I N T O   T H E

S P I D E R – V E R S E

finally saw this movie and ohmygod, you guys…I…am…in love with it!!! First off, the animation was beyond amazing! It was so good that it was absolutely unreal! Seeing a Marvel movie in this format and with the animation being so incredible makes me wish that all Marvel movies were animated. Second off, the story was so heartwarming! I rarely find movies that I’d be willing to watch over again, but I totally would watch this one again (and maybe even again after that). This is all to say that if you still have yet to see Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, then definitely get on that asap!


Published by

Lila @ Hardcover Haven

Lila is a twenty-something college student studying physics and anthropology and a lover of literature. When she's not busy reading or saving the world through science, Lila can be found singing jazz and blues and obsessing over hedgehogs (a.k.a. the cutest animals in the multiverse!)

11 thoughts on “Lately With Lila | June 2019”

  1. Thanks for featuring my post, Lila! ✨ June was a very busy and chaotic month for me, I’m glad it was over! I love Señorita, it’s just so catchy and the mv is also 🔥🔥🔥😂 Anyways, I love your blog look and that music part graphic, they are gorgeous! 😍 Have a fantastic July!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Glad you liked so many of the books you read this month! Truly devious was one of my favorite reads from last year, hope you enjoy it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for featuring my post! June was a pretty okay month for me 🙂 I do hope you enjoy Spin the Dawn haha only because I’m also reading it this month and have high hopes for it! I love how you added in song recommendations ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so much for mentioning my post, Lila! I’m really happy that you enjoyed it.💓Also, you linking to my post caused me to discover your blog, which is THE CUTEST, so pretty, and I’m about to go stalk the rest of it right now?!!

    I’m glad you had a good month! Congrats on becoming a beta reader! Oh my gosh, I’m obsessed with You Need to Calm Down, too (& with the music video). I hope you have a great July!

    Liked by 1 person

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